Low Price No. 4 Iron Smoothing Plane
Bench Planes are the workhorses of the shop. We make all sizes that Stanley did, from the tiny No. 1 to the huge No. 8. Each has its own charm, but personal preference plays a large part in choosing the right bench plane for a particular job. A beginner needs two basic sizes - a smoothing plane (No. 4 or 4-1/2) and a Jointer (No. 7 or 8). A Jack Plane (usually a No. 5) would be the next most useful size.
The frog design is unique - a fully machined mating fit between the frog and the body. The design also allows precise and easy adjustments of the mouth opening from the rear without having to remove the cap and blade. 9-1/2" long with a 2" wide by .125" thick A-2 Steel blade Ductile Iron body, Bronze cap, Cherry handle and knob 45 degree High Angle Frog Improved Chipbreaker Capable of taking the finest shavings from the most difficult woods
Visit: Offer Bench Dog 40-110 ProCabinet Router Table